Geoparks as a tool for sustainable development

In the bowels of the earth, in the volcanic tunnel that is La Cueva de los Verdes, the afternoon session of the first day of Wordlcanic continued. An impressive setting in which a round table was held to discuss the figure of the Geoparks, an international brand that not only protects but also promotes the territories of Lanzarote and El Hierro.
As Olaya García, geologist of the El Hierro Geopark, explained, the role of the Geopark is to "give value to an area not only for its geology, but also for the heritage and culture it contains". According to Rainero Brandon, head of the Environmental Service and coordinator of the Lanzarote and Chinijo Archipelago Geopark, it "promotes the sustainable development of a place".
In this vision, which goes beyond the protection of an area and seeks to enhance its value as an economic driver, gastronomy can play a fundamental role, as Olaya García points out: "Each territory tells its story through its products and values. With this first story, chefs can add others, which increases the value of the product. That is why it is important to make it known".
The fisherman Cristóbal Oliveros, president of the Fishermen's Association of La Santa (Tinajo, Lanzarote), agreed, explaining that this is precisely why they decided to create "the local brand of La Santa, first with the La Santa prawn and, since the pandemic, with the carabinero. This identification creates value," she said. In addition, the geologist added, it can help ensure "generational replacement in these now precarious professions".
The other pillar of sustainable development in these areas is tourism. In this sense, Rainero Brandon pointed out the peculiarity of these islands, since "normally the figure of geoparks is associated with degraded areas where it is necessary to attract tourism. Here it is the opposite, it is necessary to diversify this tourism and manage to maintain the same income but with fewer visitors". This is a challenge that is being worked on in order to achieve a higher quality of tourism, with greater awareness of the cultural and natural wealth of the place being visited.
Finally, they all agreed on the importance of "educating future generations to respect our environment and our values".